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Securly for Home

Bayard Public Schools uses a program called Securly as our filtering system and this system is installed on each device.  Even when using home internet, the devices are still filtering all traffic through the Securly filters for inappropriate content.  So long as your student is using a school-issued device, they are being filtered.


In addition, we would like to make you aware of Securly for Home.  Securly for Home allows parents to sign up and get reports about their student's search history and allows parents to set some restrictions at home for their student.  BPS does not manage Securly for Home so I would encourage you check out their webpage.  https://www.securly.com/home-parent for more information. Also, please keep in mind that this only works for devices that the school owns AND if the student signs into using their school email.

If you are interested, please contact Ms. Schluterbusch.  You can also fill out this form.

